Thus saith the Ruler of the skies

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General information

This is an hymn by Isaac Watts, Hymn 83 of Book 2, published 1709, entitled The passion and exaltation of Christ.

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Text and translations

English.png English text

Thus saith the Ruler of the skies:
"Awake, my dreadful sword;
Awake, my wrath, and smite the man,
My fellow," saith the Lord.

Vengeance received the dread command,
And armed, down she flies;
Jesus submits t' his Father's hand,
And bows his head and dies.


But O! the wisdom and the grace
That join with vengeance now!
He dies to save our guilty race,
And yet he rises too.

A person so divine was he
Who yielded to be slain,
That he could give his soul away,
And take his life again.


Live, glorious Lord, and reign on high,
Let every nation sing;
And angels sound with endless joy
The Savior and the King.

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