Invidioso Amor (Alessandro Striggio)

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  • (Posted 2018-11-14)  CPDL #51944:     
Editor: Allen Garvin (submitted 2018-11-14).   Score information: Letter, 4 pages, 96 kB   Copyright: CC BY NC
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2013-08-13)  CPDL #29827:      (XML)
Editor: Renato Calcaterra (submitted 2013-08-13).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 131 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: The source (MusicXML) file is zipped. Transcribed from the “Primo libro de Madrigali a cinque voci” - Gardano 1564. The time signatures, notes' values and accidentals are as in the manuscript. The notes' values within the "ligaturæ" are semibreves. The “musica ficta” suggestion are in the MIDI and MusicXML files.

General Information

Title: Invidioso Amor
Composer: Alessandro Striggio

Number of voices: 5vv   Voicing: SATTB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1559 in Il secondo libro de le Muse a cinque voci (Gardano), no. 8
    2nd published: 1560 in Primo libro de madrigali a cinque voci, no. 2
    3rd published: 1584 in Spoglia amorosa (Scotto), no. 19, p. 21
    4th published: 1593 in Nuova spoglia amorosa (Vincenti, Venice), no. 33

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Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Invidioso Amor del mio bel stato
e del riposo mio, sdegnoso prese
l'arme sue in man e tosto l'arco tese
e contra me si fece tutto armato.
Io che da lui giamai non fui più offeso,
incauto ne restai ferito e preso.
E col bel mezzo d'un sereno volto
il mio voler e non voler m'ha tolto.

English.png English translation

Love, envious of my happy state and
jealous of my repose, disdainfully took up
his arms in hand and swiftly stretched taut his bow,
and, fully armed, attacked me.
I, who never before had been more injured by him,
imprudently by this was wounded and captured.
And by the lovely contrivance of a fair face,
my will has been stolen from me.

Translation by Allen Garvin