A Catch on the Midnight Cats (Michael Wise)

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  • (Posted 2005-10-18)  CPDL #09983:     
Editor: Andreas Stenberg (submitted 2005-10-18).   Score information: A4, 4 pages, 290 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: A Catch on the Midnight Cats from Two Cat Catches

Composer: Michael Wise

Number of voices: 3vv   Voicing: SSS
Genre: SecularCanon

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1731-33
Description: The two three part Catches are from the collection "the Chatch Club or the merry Companions… " other catch by R. Brown

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Original text and translations

English.png English text

A Catch on Midnight Cats:
I: Ye Cats that at midnight spit Love at each other
who best feel the Pangs of a passionate Lover,
I appeal to your Scratches and tattered Fur
if the business of Love be no more to Pur.

II: Old Lady Grimalkin with Gooseberry Eyes,
when a Kitten knew something for why she was wise,
You find by experience the Love fit's soon o'er,
Pus, Pus last not long but turns to Catwhore.

III: Men ride many miles, Cats tread many Tiles,
both hazard, both hazard their Necks in the fray,
only Cats if they fall from a House or a Wall keep their Feet,
mount their Tails, mount their Tails and away.

A Cat Catch by R. Brown:
I: We Cats when assembled at Midnight together,
for innocent Puring, Puring, for innocent Puring,
puring, in Moonshiney weather.

II: If Dogs be in kennel, all fast in their straw,
we march, and we meaw, meaw, meaw
whitout scratch or a claw.

III: But if they suprise us, and put us to flight,
we fret, fret, and we spit, fret fret, spit, spit,
give a squall, squall and good.