Jerusalem surge et exue: Difference between revisions

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Line 14: Line 14:
quia in te occisus est Salvator Israel.
quia in te occisus est Salvator Israel.
:Deduc quasi torrentem lacrimas per diem et noctem,
:Deduc quasi torrentem lacrimas per diem et noctem,
et non taceat pupilla oculi tui.
:et non taceat pupilla oculi tui.
quia in te occisus est Salvator Israel.
quia in te occisus est Salvator Israel.
Line 61: Line 61:
for the Saviour of Israel has been slain in your midst.
for the Saviour of Israel has been slain in your midst.
:Let your tears run down like a river, day and night,
:Let your tears run down like a river, day and night,
and let not the apple of your eye cease.
:and let not the apple of your eye cease.
for the Saviour of Israel has been slain in your midst.

Revision as of 16:50, 16 December 2012

This Jerusalem surge is the Responsory II of the Tenebrae Responsories for Holy Saturday, based on the verses Jonah 3:6 and Lamentations of Jeremiah 2:18.

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Latin Texts and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Jerusalem, surge, et exue te vestibus
jucunditatis; induere te cinere et cilicio:
quia in te occisus est Salvator Israel.
Deduc quasi torrentem lacrimas per diem et noctem,
et non taceat pupilla oculi tui.
quia in te occisus est Salvator Israel.

Portuguese.png Portuguese translation

Jerusalem, levanta-te, larga estes vestidos
de festa, cobre-te de cinza e de cilício:
Porque em teu meio foi morto o Salvador de Israel.
Chora dia e noite torrentes de lágrimas,
não tenham descanso as pupilas dos teus olhos.

French.png French translation by Francis Marchal

Lève-toi, Jérusalem, et ôte tes habits de joie;
couvre-toi d’un sac et asperge-toi de cendres:
car le Sauveur d’Israël a été immolé parmi ton peuple.
Laisse tes larmes couler comme un torrent,
et n’accorde aucun repos à la pupille de ton œil.

by Pierre-Etienne Dubi

Lève-toi, Jérusalem, et dépouille tes habits de
réjouissance; couvre-toi de la cendre et du cilice:
Car chez toi le Sauveur d’Israël a été mis a mort.
Laisse couler tes larmes en torrent, jour et nuit,
et que tes yeux ne connaissent plus de repos.

Italian.png Italian translation

Gerusalemme, orsù, dimetti le vesti della gioia.
Aspergiti di cenere, rivesti il cilicio:
poiché in te fu ucciso il Salvatore d'Israele.
Fà scorrere come torrente le tue lacrime, giorno e notte!
Non darti pace, non abbia tregua la pupilla del tuo occhio.

English.png English translation

Arise, O Jerusalem, and put off your garments of rejoicing;
cover yourself with sack-cloth and ashes:
for the Saviour of Israel has been slain in your midst.
Let your tears run down like a river, day and night,
and let not the apple of your eye cease.
for the Saviour of Israel has been slain in your midst.

by Charles Johnston

Arise, O Jeruslem, and put off thy garments
of joy; put on ashes and sackcloth:
For in thee was slain the Saviour of Israel.
Shed thy tears like a torrent, day and night,
and let not the apple of thine eye be dry.

German.png German translation by Anne Steeb & Bernd Müller

Erhebe dich, Jerusalem, und lege ab deine Festgewänder;
Bedecke dich mit Sacktuch und Asche:
Denn der Heiland Israels wurde in deiner Mitte niedergemacht.
Lass deine Tränen rinnen wie ein Strom bei Tag
und Nacht, auf dass dein Augapfel nicht nachlasse.

by Mathias Weibel

Erhebe dich Jerusalem, und entledige dich deiner
Freudenkleider; Zieh dein Bussgewand an und bestreue
dich mit Asche: denn der Retter Israels ist gestorben.
Lass deine Tränen Tag und Nacht in Bächen fliessen,
und die Pupillen deiner Augen sollen nicht zur Ruhe kommen.

Spanish.png Spanish translation

Jerusalén, despierta y despojate de tu vistosa
indumentaria: vístete con un saco y cúbrete de cenizas,
porque por ti ha muerto el Salvador de Israel.
Deja que fluyan tus lagrimas día y noche,
y que tus ojos lloren sin descanso.

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