Talk:Evening Canticles in A, op. 12 (Charles Villiers Stanford)

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Bar 38: G sharp in RH should be G natural
Bar 126: F in Soprano should be F sharp
Bar 126: B flat in Bass should be B natural
Bar 153: Crotchets F E in the LH should probably be quavers (quarter and eighth notes in US?)
Bars 203-4: Both tenor underlays should be 3 minims on "Ho-" and one on "ly"

Nunc dimittis
Bars 20-24: Bass underlay misaligned
Bar 31: doubled "t" in lighten in all parts
Bars 66-67: Both tenor underlays should be 3 minims on "Ho-" and one on "ly"

Jamesgibb 13:45, 23 January 2011 (CST)