Table: editions

54742Andreas Stenberg2019-07-102019-07-10A semi-diplomatic edition. The note-values are as in the original. Thoug the origina cleffing is in Chiavette no transposition is made and ficta are added sparingly. The edition includes score for both choirs together, scores for each choir and also parts. The PDF is optimized for double-sided printing. When printing one-sided to save paper; download the Lilypond root-file. Comment out the "pagebreal markup {} pagebreak" sections that are forcing blank pages and run the root-file through Lilypond.217524Laetatus sum in his quae dicta (Giovanni Matteo Asola)Laetatus sum in his quae dictaGiovanni Matteo Asola2023-09-16 07:18:22

Table: files

54742.4Io-Matthaeo-Asola-Veronensi-Leatus-sum.ly54742internalsourcesource2LilyPond{{Ly}} 2023-09-16 07:18:22
54742.1Io-Matthaeo-Asola-Veronensi-Leatus-sum.pdf54742internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 384CPDLA4542023-09-16 07:18:22
54742.3Io-Matthaeo-Asola-Veronensi-Leatus-sum.mxl54742internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 07:18:22
54742.2Io-Matthaeo-Asola-Veronensi-Leatus-sum.mid54742internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 07:18:22