Table: editions

51068Mick Swithinbank2018-08-302018-08-30This edition presents only the first section of three. However, it is substantial enough (90 bars) to stand on its own. The edition retains the original pitch and note values. Certain unavoidable editorial corrections to notes have been noted within the score.201695Gaude Maria virgo (Gerardus Mes)Gaude Maria virgoGerardus Mes2023-09-16 09:26:05

Table: files

51068.2Mes_Gau.mxl51068internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 09:26:05
51068.1Mes_Gau.pdf51068internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 83CPDLA472023-09-16 09:26:05