Table: editions

46857Mick Swithinbank2017-10-182017-10-18Original pitch and note values; modern clefs. Lesson 3 is set for lower voices, in part, than Lessons 1 (a4) and 2 (a3): only the Jerusalem convertere section reverts to the voicing of the first lesson, whose corresponding section indeed it repeats without any alteration. The clefs, for most of Lesson 3, were C3, C4, F3, F4. The second voice down initially paraphrases the plainchant.70093Lamentations of Jeremiah (Antoine de Févin)Lamentations of JeremiahAntoine de Févin2023-09-16 08:14:47

Table: files

46857.2Fev_LamTh3.mxl46857internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:14:47
46857.1Fev_LamTh3.pdf46857internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 75CPDLA4102023-09-16 08:14:47