Table: editions

34995Corinne Cooze2015-04-072015-04-07Direct Transcription (in C) from Choralis Constantinus I, without the verse that is included in the Choralis Constantinus I because that text does not match the verse for this Sunday's introit. Note: For use in the Mass I would do one of the following: 1) Sing this "Jubilate Deo," chant the Gregorian verse using the Psalm Tone plus G.P. VIII that is with the original chant page, and repeat Isaac "Jubilate Deo" 2) Chant the Gregorian "Jubilate Deo," continuing through the verse and G.P., and then use this "Jubilate Deo" as the repeated antiphon.111547Jubilate Deo (Heinrich Isaac)Jubilate DeoHeinrich Isaac2023-09-16 08:52:10

Table: files

34995.3Dominica_Jubilate_Introit_C.mxl34995internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:52:10
34995.2Dominica_Jubilate_Introit_C_MIDI.mid34995internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 08:52:10
34995.1Dominica_Jubilate_Introit_C.pdf34995internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 167CPDLLetter32023-09-16 08:52:10