Table: editions

34991Barry Johnston2015-04-072015-04-07Oval note edition. Edited by B. C. Johnston, 2015. Changes: 1. Sharp signs removed from Counter F in mm. 4, 13, and 16. 2. Bass m. 14, half note Eb changed to D. 3. Dots added to half notes where needed throughout.111511Berkshire (Ephraim Reed)BerkshireEphraim Reed2023-09-16 10:01:57

Table: files

34991.3BerkshireEReed1817bpr.mxl34991internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 10:01:58
34991.2BerkshireEReed1817bpr.mid34991internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 10:01:58
34991.1BerkshireEReed1817bpr.pdf34991internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 66Public DomainLetter12023-09-16 10:01:58