Table: editions

23821Jeffrey Quick2011-07-012011-07-01This edition was created because I couldn't find an easy to use version in modern notation; the Musica Brittanica version only underlays the first verse. The lute tablature was omitted in the interests of space and because I haven't yet learned how to do them in Finale. A lutenist probably has access to one of several facsimile editions and can find the tablature there.66953Sing a song of joy (Thomas Campion)Sing a song of joyThomas Campion2023-09-16 07:44:49

Table: files

23821.3CampionSSJ.mxl23821internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 07:44:49
23821.2CampionSSJ.mid23821internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 07:44:49
23821.1CampionSSJ.pdf23821internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 61CPDLLetter12023-09-16 07:44:49