Table: editions

21806Tim Risher2010-06-172010-06-17I have tried to add Usper's instructions as much as possible ("Here only Tenor sings" etc). As for the instrumentation, Usper only has two parts marked with the names of instruments (trombones), but many combinations can be considered - strings in one choir, winds in the other (cornetti and trombones), for example. The parts for the instruments are included. I made an error with his birthdate on the score - it should be 1560 and not 1570.57545La Battaglia a 8 (Francesco Usper)La Battaglia a 8Francesco Usper2023-09-16 10:42:17

Table: files

21806.3Usper_SCORE.mxl21806internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 10:42:17
21806.2Usper1.MID21806internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 10:42:17
21806.1Usper_SCORE.pdf21806internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 1185Creative Commons AttributionLetter412023-09-16 10:42:17