Table: editions

9736Douglas Walczak2005-09-202005-09-208 separate files, May be freely distributed, duplicated, performed, or recorded. '''Editor's comments:''' My apologies for taking so long to finish the cantata. Lesson: never lend someone a score unless your sure you're going to get it back in less than a year.9042The Holy Child, Op. 37 (Horatio W. Parker)The Holy Child, Op. 37Horatio W. Parker2023-09-16 09:48:02

Table: files

9736.3Ws-park-hc2.sib9736internalsourcesourceSibelius{{Sib}}(Sibelius 2)2023-09-16 09:48:02
9736.2Ws-park-hc2.mid9736internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 09:48:02
9736.1Ws-park-hc2.pdf9736internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 220PersonalA4172023-09-16 09:48:02